Tag Archives: e-book

New Beginnings

By Shakuntala Rajagopal

My Magical Journey book coverI have been homebound for the most part since March 10th 2020. I am not known to be a homebody. For my protection, my daughters requested that I restrict my travels to not just within town, but also visits to my extended family which includes 54 plus in and out of town. Although this was totally out of character for me, I decided to honor their caring and abide by their request/rules.

Despite the restrictions, my life was joyful, active and sometimes even hectic because the previous year I had acquired an addition to our family; a new grandson from my youngest daughter. Now I have 3 grandsons! Since I had time on my hands, and even more important, thinking time, I started writing a children’s story for my youngest grandson. As my magical, mystical story evolved I got the idea to make it an illustrated children’s e-book.

This was a totally new territory that I was exploring.

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