Tag Archives: Feline memoir

An Unlikely Writer

Today’s interview is with a novice voice who took a bold step into the world of writers to publish a memoir, which goes to prove that anyone can write a memoir.

You decided to write a memoir but you’re a nobody with a seemingly mundane life. Why?

A nobody!? Meeeeoooow! Quite the catty remark from someone looking to me for answers
and inspiration, wouldn’t you agree? Swatting your slight aside, let me just say that most writers know that there are no mundane lives, only poor creatures who plod through a boring
existence without imagination, curiosity, or spunk. Those who settle for skim milk instead
of insisting on cream.

I say “seemingly” because you do come across some challenges, one being orphaned at a young age. How did you get through it?

The cobble-stoned streets of Brussels were a mean but very effective teacher. To survive, I learned not to behave as a victim. Heck, the ordeals I’ve endured could fill one lifetime or even nine. I’m curious by nature and quite fearless. I didn’t do it all alone though. Even a solitary stray like me needs scraps of compassion from time to time. My success and survival depended upon the kindness and aid of an array of acquaintances and strangers.

Who do you find to be the most interesting character in your book?

Your question implies that either I can’t pick myself or I shouldn’t do so. Really, the entire story revolves around me. Who could possibly be more interesting than the hero of the memoir? But if I must choose another character, I’ll say Rex. Why? He’s about as complex as characters come. What we see isn’t what we get. A classic anti-hero with rough edges and a mean streak but also a heart of gold. A bark definitely worse than his bite. Rex is someone who isn’t easy to befriend. But he’s someone, nonetheless, whose friendship is its own reward. Continue reading